Convert Your Wood Burning Fireplace To Gas 

Have you ever wondered about converting your wood-burning fireplace to gas? It is a relatively simple transition. Our technicians at Chimney Solutions can help with this. Gas fireplaces are simple to use. A quick turn of a switch and you have a wonderful fire. Switching your wood-burning fireplace to gas will make it user-friendly and more efficient. You won’t have to worry about buying or storing wood either. There is hardly any cleanup as you won’t have ashes. An annual inspection from Chimney Solutions should be all you need to keep your fire burning. 

gas fireplace inserts in Woodstock GABenefits of a Gas Fireplace

Are you tired of going out to the woodshed to grab more wood to last the night? Has it gotten to be a hassle to chop wood and store it for periods until it has cured? Do you want to avoid the clean up of ash in your fireplace? Are you tired of the smell that sometimes comes with a fireplace? Well, then you may be interested in converting your woodburning fireplace to a gas insert. 

You have many options. Listed below are a few. Contact us for more details on each type and what will fit best in your budget.

What Do I Need to Know?

  • A chimney inspection. A complete chimney inspection to make sure your chimney is in good working condition.
  • A chimney sweep may be necessary to clean out any buildup on the liner or chimney.
  • You will need to arrange for a gas line to come into your house, connecting it to the area near your fireplace.

Choose the Type of gas fireplace you want

  •  A gas insert fits into your existing fireplace. You will purchase gas logs that look very similar to natural wood. The chimney will need to be lined with a stainless-steel liner. This is for safety reasons.
  •  A Direct Vent Gas Insert has a sealed firebox and a venting system. A vertical, collinear venting system is needed. These are two pipes, one for bringing fresh air in which creates combustion. The other takes out combustible byproducts. Direct Vent Gas inserts are the safest for those who have lung issues like asthma. They run with 85% efficiency and protect indoor air quality.  
  • Vent-Free Gas Insert. A vent-free gas insert will turn your existing woodburning fireplace into an attractive and efficient heat source. Vent-free gas inserts do not require a chimney. This may be a more affordable choice for you. 

gas fireplace service and installation in Dawsonville GAContact a reputable chimney sweep company

Chimney Solutions can install whichever type of gas fireplace insert you choose.

Chimney Solutions strives to bring the highest level of professional and technical expertise to our service area. The rewards of protection of property and life, health and safety, as well as, the education of ourselves, our customers, and others fuel our quest for excellence.

Contact us online or by phone to schedule an appointment today. In the Atlanta area, call 770-255-1300. For CSIA-certified chimney sweeps in Chattanooga, TN, call 423-551-9912.

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